In this blog post, we will explore the difference between these two services provided by AIM Green Restoration, helping you make informed decisions in addressing water damage situations.
That's where AIMGREEN RESTORATION comes in - our team of professionals is dedicated to restoring your property and getting your life back to normal as quickly as possible.
Several factors can cause water damage in a home or building, including moisture leaks, humidity, flooding, and high humidity. Furthermore, heavy rains in the spring and summer can cause extensive water damage.
On a cold winter day, nothing beats snuggling up to a crackling fire. If you intend to build fires in your fireplace, you must first ensure that it is ready for use.
Many consumers are unaware that their window leaks might be caused by factors other than harsh weather. When rainstorms cause window leaks, it is usually due to improper replacement window installation or poor construction
Depending on the size and severity of the spill, sewage cleanup can cost up to $10,000. Professional sewage cleanup services include removing water, cleaning contents, and removing odors.
Mold is not acceptable in the workplace. Working in close proximity to mold colonies may be quite dangerous. Mold spores are hazardous to employees and should be eliminated as soon as possible. What to do if your employees exhibit indicators of mold exposure.